“My resources are available on this weekend”, “My resource is going on Training”, “I need a Java resource”, “I have 5 resources in my team” Heard these statement over your daily work like? or some maybe even using it. This term is commonly used in traditional project management and even in the agile way of working continue to use the term ‘Resources’ in project plans, communications, reports, etc.

Does the word resource matter? Yes, it does in what context the term is used and also directly reflects the culture of the team and an organization. One of the five core values of Scrum is Respect. It says “Scrum team members demonstrate respect to one another, to the product owner, to stakeholders, and the ScrumMaster. They respect each other’s ideas, give each other permission to have a bad day once in a while, and recognize each other’s accomplishments.” [Source: Scrumalliance.org] What is referred here is the team demonstrates respect to one another. However, the same team members are called as resources by the line or people managers. Many failed to understand is teams are created around wonderful people who have amazing qualities and characteristics of thinking, planning and executing. People are involved to execute any projects required to design, build & test. It is the same people who bring uniqueness in software development. Unfortunately, human personnel is referred to as resources.
In any project/product development, there is a definite need for software resources, hardware resources, systems and network, etc. These are the tools and support needed for any agile team to deliver the work products. Fundamental principles say agile teams are built around motivated individuals and they self-organize to build amazing working products. I wonder how motivated resources can deliver software products. It is high time we STOP calling people as resources. It is high time to understand that tools are resources and be respectful and refer humans as people.
Agile is a mindset likewise there is a need for a paradigm shift from using the term resource and start calling them as people, treat them as professionals and that keeps them to involve and engage towards organizations vision and goals. Managers are also people. Sure, they wouldn’t like either to be referred to as a resource. Treat everyone as people who are the knowledge workers in the organization, call them by name, value them and respect them. Investing in people is very important because at the end of the day it is the same people who are delivering value, products and services to customers/clients. What counts in any organization is the employees, i.e. People
Please refrain by calling a person as a resource. Remember ‘People are not Resources’
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