Agile Manifesto was created back in 2001 primarily for Software Development. This is the work of 17 software development practitioners who observed the increasing need for an alternative to heavyweight software development processes. Before understanding those 4 Agile manifestoes, let us try and see other than Software Development where else it is practiced.

I found it amazing that Salon is the place where agile manifesto is practiced really well. I may sound crazy, but in my view, it is very much practiced more rigorously. Every customer who walks in is always welcomed with a smile, provides the best comfort, and allows them to settle before the service.
1. Every service begins with an Interaction understanding what is the need of the customer and understanding their preferences. There is always a continuous interaction until the process/works get completed making sure customer interactions are more valuable than relying on any process.
2. All these mirrors are primarily set up to get frequent feedback as the work is in progress from every customer. This gives confidence to the customer and service provider that they are heading in the right direction. There is a need for continuous and early feedback for every step which allows us to deliver work with the highest quality in optimum time and minimal re-work.
3. As mentioned earlier (Point 1) continuous collaboration with customers is something that is seen throughout the work process.
4. Thanks for the mirrors around the place, as and when the customer shares the feedback, and when there is a request for a change in plan, it is always accepted in the right spirit, and the service provider accepts the change and proceeds accordingly. Rather than just sticking to the original plan. All these are followed to reach one goal i.e. Happy Customer.

Agile Manifesto doesn't give any prescription to any process or framework. Agile is a philosophical mindset for Software Development. Agile Manifesto promotes the software development process to focus on quality by delivering value-added products and services that meet customer needs and expectations.
It is very important to understand the true essence of the Agile Manifesto before we learn more about any other agile process, methodologies, or frameworks.
Good analogy taken to understand the gist of the Agile Manifesto. Keep it up Chandra.
Kudos on this journey. Nice writing. Look forward to more